The end of the plastic disposable cotton swab
Cotton swabs, who doesn't use them? Handy for personal care, when applying make-up or for delicate cleaning jobs. After one use, the well-known plastic stick with cotton balls goes straight into the trash bin. It's hard to imagine how much damage this little object does to our marine animal friends.
Because with some bad luck, a cotton swab ends up somewhere else, for example when it is flushed down the toilet. It then ends up in nature. It finds its way through the sewer to local and international water. For example, around 1,00,000 die every year! marine animals through disposable plastic products, such as cotton swabs, straws and toothpicks.
But good news, this will change in 2021. Because we all (often out of necessity) use so much plastic, the European Parliament has decided to ban single-use products, such as plastic cotton buds, from next year.
You can contact us for environmentally friendly alternatives. Such as the vegan cotton buds from The Humble Co, made from sustainably grown bamboo and organic cotton. These sticks are completely biodegradable and can therefore be placed in the green container or compost. Moreover, with your purchase you also support the Humble Smile Foundation.
Are you open to a reusable cotton swab that is easy to clean with soap and water? Then the LastSwab is for you. To be fair, this cotton swab is made of plastic, but it lasts as long as 1,000 disposable plastic cotton swabs.
The step from a plastic disposable cotton swab to one of our alternatives is small in terms of use itself. The operation is exactly the same. But it immediately has a positive impact on the environment and nature. It's a cliché, but that doesn't make it any less true: every little bit helps.